Changing a life simply with an adjustment


Here is one of my patients in my Queens location who is an amazing athlete and a frequent centrum biker (meaning he would bike 100 miles in a day). Needless to say, he took his physical state and athleticism very seriously and incorporated a healthy diet filled with organic foods and any supplements needed to support his overall well being.

He had gotten into a very bad bicycle accident and sold his favorite bike. After the second accident a short time later, he came to me to help him with his left shoulder. He had significant limitations in the range of motion. Also his strength on  that left side was seriously reduced to a minimum.

I would adjust him twice a week and he would report nice gradual changes in mobility and strength. week by week he reported being able to do more with his arm. Left shoulder was getting stronger and he was able to do incline push ups – something he would not consider a few weeks prior.

One day he comes in and slightly down, he states, “You know, I think I am going to sell my bike”.

He was on the verge of quitting something he absolutely loved to do due and give into the fear of getting into another bike accident!

I told him “You can always sell your bike, but do me one favor. Bring the bike here one time and let me adjust you on it.”

He agreed … What you don’t see in this video is his ride to my office. He said he was quite nervous and filled with anxiety during his journey to my office (it was roughly2-4 miles journey). I set up my equipment in front of the garage and we started going to work on his body.

Here is what happened!
(The majority of the adjustments were sped up to bypass redundancies)

So here is the explanation of what occurred:
When the person is put into the position of stress (POS), the patterns that are associated with that stress will surface very strongly.
As I adjust his body, I am helping him break up his stuck patterns. You could say it was an interruption of a perpetuating vicious cycle. This allows him to reset himself so that he can make decisions without these patterns intercepting and overwhelming his thought processes towards that decision. That is the beauty of KST (the system of analysis and correction I use in my office). It can help you unlock some of the most toughest patterns that got a grip on you.

Is there something you have been battling that you can’t break through?

Tell me about it and let’s see what is possible and available in your healing journey.

Breakthroughs are only available for those doing something about it.

As always

Many Blessings

Dr. Ara