Where once an area of stress, now transformed to a place of peace

In my last blog, I mentioned a patient who mid-care got into a skiing accident. I got a beautiful update today after she went upstate to do cross-country skiing.  She reported she was in a place of peace within herself and ok with whatever happened while skiing. This was a new paradigm of being for her. In the past she would have concerns and considerations but this time, it was as if she was ok with whatever happened.  That being said, she had a wonderful time up there enjoying herself without  encountering anything unpleasant.

This is the beauty and magic of holistic chiropractic care. In previous blogs, I have referred to it as Esoteric Chiropractic – to have it stand out from other more traditional forms out there. It gets far deeper than just the physical bio-mechanical component of the issue.  It dives into the emotional and mental patterns that were in play when the initial injury occurred.

So how’s that done?

Well there are a number of ways and approaches I use but the one I like most is simply talking about it.  As the patient tells me what happened, the patterns of the incident emerges from the body. Once they come to surface, it’s simple, just adjust the body patterns to unlock the fixed condition it created. The adjustment creates a interruption in the pattern.

Let’s break it down.

Imagine an idea playing in the back of your mind and then you experience something. You interpret it as a validation to that idea and now that becomes true. The experience proved it, so it must be true! Now you have a pattern formed, kind of like a broken record constantly playing over and over again like a loop or a circuit that doesn’t stop even if laying dormant till the next “I told you so”. Well these thought patterns running below the radar actually are the very things that form the patterns in the body. Once they form, you and your body go into a viscous loop (the Broken record).  Then you go on with life and other things get layered and added on and so on. So by the time you get to me I have to find a easy and simple way to bring those patterns to surface to introduce a pattern interrupter by way of the adjustment.

Once all patterns are cleared up, I simply ask the person to talk about it again and see if more shows up. If not, it’s handled for that day.  At times subsequent visits are required as some cases are a lot more intense than others and have several facets to them.

Each case is unique and different. Sometimes just talking about it is not enough to bring the patterns to surface. Sometimes it’s needed to have the body in a specific position while talking about it, sometimes you have to assume a position that was similar enough. You would be surprised how quickly the body will lock up when going into a position similar enough to its injury. Sometimes other approaches are needed.

This is what keeps what I do so exciting. It is a lot of detective work while coming across lightly and cheerfully with patients to the point that a lot of them don’t realize what occurred until they notice the changes through an experience such as the relaxed and peaceful state mentioned in the beginning of this blog with my skiing patient.

Same has occurred with Golfers, Power Lifters and so on. The biggest hurtle to come across is really the patient willing to talk about it.

Sometimes the issue was not during the injury but something that happened just prior or a few days prior to the injury.  Regardless, one’s openness to looking and exploring becomes a crucial step in finding the effects it had on the body.

So if you want to experience something beyond the traditional, schedule an appointment today and experience the possibilities awaiting you.


As always
Many Blessings


Dr Ara