Are you looking for quality or an inexpensive practitioner?

What do you look for when shopping for a chiropractor? Is it quality or just getting cracked? I get so many phone calls asking if I take their insurance or if I can provide just one adjustment without going through a proper exam. Shortly after that, the conversation ends and the individual continues looking on. But what are they actually looking for? Obviously one cannot determine the quality of care based on this.  I definitely will admit that I am not the most inexpensive practitioner out there but there is a reason for that.  One thing my patients can admit to is that the quality of care far surpasses the cost of care.

After providing a few decades of chiropractic care at Sol-Center Chiropractic, I have noticed more and more patients coming in that have been to quite a number of chiropractors prior to giving my form of chiropractic a try.  They wanted to go shopping to see if they can get their concerns resolved at minimal cost or at a more convenient location. Somehow, after much trials and tribulations, they found their way to my door.

Many of them remarked how much different the experience was under my care in relation to other chiropractors from examination to adjustments and beyond.

Now, let me set the record straight! I am not bad mouthing any other practitioner. I am simply sharing what has been told to me by the patients who have been to other practitioners (of various sorts of modalities). I do not know what the other doctors were doing in their office but what I do know is that in my office, I really am extensive in the analysis and correction of body patterns, distortions and conditions that are causing patients to suffer and live a reduced quality of life.

Over the many patients mention how their joy gets robbed by the constant limitations they are faced in their lives. All of which can be palpated on the body.
Things like:

  • not being able to play with their children,
  • not being able to work,
  • can’t focus or concentrate,
  • can’t enjoy their social life,
  • can’t care for their family,
  • can’t hold their child in their arms
  • easily get upset and so on.

It’s not just the physical component that drives them down but the mental and emotional contributions that weigh on them. That combination easily locks the person up and causes a state of being/feeling stuck – both in the body and in life!
Locating and unlocking all these components literally brings life back into each one of them.

It begs to question, how much is the quality of your life worth to you?  How much is it worth to you to have the freedom to do what you want with your body? How much do you value your body?  Think about it.

So what makes my form of chiropractic different?

Well, for one thing, I use a method of communicating with the body such that it can tell me what’s going on and what needs to be corrected in what priority.  Being able to communicate with it, I can ask a wide spectrum of questions that will give me insight as to what correction is best, what position is best for that correction, whether to use my hands, an instrument or if something else may be needed beyond chiropractic care and so on.

Having this method of communication (by feeling or reading the body’s story) is a game changer as a practitioner.  That may be the reason why some people get the results here where other offices fell short.

For those looking for a specialty shop when it comes to Chiropractic care, you can definitely consider this to be exactly that. There have been countless patients telling me “You’re not just a chiropractor! I don’t know how to describe you to my friends”.  Regardless of how one can describe the unique approach available at Sol-Center Chiropractic, one thing I can say for sure is that there is no cookbook approach. Each patient is examined thoroughly and addressed uniquely for their concerns and conditions. Each adjustment is unique to that individual and what we as a team (the patient and I) are working towards accomplishing.

In the grand majority of cases, people report an improvement not only in the initial concern that brought them into the office but also in the quality of their lives. They can do things without apprehension or consideration and are more content throughout the day.

Come experience what possibilities await you. Or if you are already under care, tell your friends and family some of the changes you have noticed after coming to Sol-Center Chiropractic.

As always,
Many Blessings


Dr. Ara