Is pain your driving force to take action?

Did you know only 20% of nerve fibers are dedicated to pain? That’s right, it is only 20%!
So what do you think the greater 80% is dedicated towards?

It’s Function!

Now when we talk about function, it covers a wide spectrum of your body and how you operate it!
That’s right it’s about body performance as well as your performance in your day to day life!

Let’s break it down neurologically:
There are the Motor Nerves which are responsible of sending information from your Central Nervous System (CNS) to muscles, organs and glands. They are responsible for conscious body movements such as curling your arm, jumping, squatting, walking  etc. Motor Nerves are also responsible for involuntary and/or subconscious movements of the body such as your posture, balance, stability as well as movement and activities of organs and glands for digestion, immunity, hormonal balance and so on.

The other portion is the Sensory Nerves and they do exactly what their name states; they sense and perceive. These include the common sight, smell, hear, taste and touch as well as many other functions that provides information to enter into the CNS for processing and interpretation.

So think about it. The focus of a chiropractic adjustment is all about reducing or ideally eliminating subluxations. Subluxations are nerve interferences. You can look at the function of nerves as a communication pathway. Similar to talking on the phone,  that communication can be full of static, it could be broken up -making it very challenging to understand, or it can be crystal clear.

When focusing solely on pain, the big picture of possibilities are being missed. Think about the ability to think clearer, have a stronger and better immune function, better digestion, better hormonal balance, better focus, better drive and so on.  How much more efficient and effective would you be in your day to day interactions? How much better would you be at handling situations at work, at home, with your relatives?

Fact is nerves that are wound up (from various stresses) carry very different messages than nerves that are in their ideal tonicity. Likewise if there is not enough stress (in the sense of productive activities) then the nerves would be too lax. If the skeletal framework that houses the nervous system are out of their ideal locations, the nervous system and it’s functions will be affected.  The adjustment helps the body to recalibrate itself, providing a better structure which in turn allows the tonicity of the nerves to be closer to ideal.

So don’t wait for pain the be the marker of when you need a chiropractic adjustment. If you feel tired, overwhelmed, overworked, lose focus, feel unproductive or so on, it may be a good idea to get your nervous system checked and tuned up so you can perform, as well as conduct your body, like a fine tuned orchestra,


As always
Many Blessings


Dr. Ara