How do you handle stress?

The past couple of years has brought on more stress to every individual on the planet than we have seen in decades! While a certain amount of stress is normal, too much of it can overwhelm you, your mind and your body.

So how do you handle Stress?

If you feel stuck in a fight-or-flight state then likely there is something you need to do in order to return to homeostasis – a stable balance point between you, your mind and your body.

Whether it’s the state of the world, heartbreak, or your own healing journey, there are things you can do in order to help yourself through it.

The goal is for you to get back to living your life to it’s fullest potential.

Here are some helpful tips:

Listen to what you are thinking.

Remember, thoughts backed up by emotions are powerful things. If you find yourself in a negative internal dialogue, you do have the choice and power to flip the script! You can take a step back and recalibrate yourself with a few deep breathes and rephrase that dialogue to something that can be motivating, inspiring or promising. Follow that by actions and you got yourself a beautiful receipt towards solidifying those beneficial thought patterns.

Think of it like you are giving advice to your most dearest friend whom you really want to do and be well in life. That’s the type of caring conversation you would benefit from internally.

Make self-care a priority.

  • The body is an organic instrument that you control. Just like a cell phone, it needs to recharge. From this perspective quality rest is vital. It is in this state where the body has the opportunity to heal.
  • Eating healthy is crucial. It is true that many of the crops are being grown in nutrient depleted soil and the nutritional value of the foods have drastically diminished over the decades. That being so, it is vital to eat as much organic food as possible. Sure, eating non organic once in a while won’t kill you, but continuously for a few decades and the “quality” of your health will be compromised as well as your cognitive functions.
  • Exercise regularly! The body needs movement. It is designed for movement. Movement provides momentum for blood flow. It prevents stagnation (both for body and mind). A lot of aches and pains can be avoided by having a simple exercise routine. It will provide a sense of alertness and rejuvenation as well as improve your mood. In the long run it will keep you strong and well.

Seek inspiration. 

This is a huge one! Look at your closest friends. Are they inspiring, motivating and supporting? What is their mindset? The people that are most close to you are the ones that influence you the most.  You take on each others traits. It’s an energetic synchronization to some degree. So be mindful of who your friends are and be mindful of their attributes.

Sometimes inspiration could be found in a wonderful lecture, a course or a book. Sometimes hearing or reading of how someone overcame hurdles may resonate in just the right way to kickstart your breakthroughs.

Show compassion and understanding to others.

If you live by the Golden Rule, you will be blessed. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.  Truly, unless we sit down with a person and really dig in on what’s going on in their life, we really do not know their trials and tribulations.  Showing compassion over criticism goes a long way. In the end you will feel lighter and happier and so will they.  You also give them an opportunity to show compassion and understanding to you in times of needs.

Schedule a visit with us. We regularly see patients who feel like their body is stuck in a stressful state. Through focused, gentle chiropractic techniques, we’re often able to help restore balance and harmony to their body. It is the easiest way of recalibrating your body.


Hope you enjoyed these tips.

As always

Many Blessings

Dr. Ara