Overwhelmed with all life is throwing at you?

More and more patients are reporting how overwhelmed they are with all the things they have to juggle in life.

Seems like more and more piles on, less and less can get handled and there is no end in sight. In some cases, by the end of the day it is a dragging of the body to the bed and collapsing for a few hours only to start all over the next day.

Would you believe me if I said getting an adjustment may help change things around? I am not saying there will be less things piling on but what if getting adjusted would help you be in a state where you can face the tasks at hand a little bit better, maybe even a little bit saner?

I know what you are thinking.
Well, I don’t have the time! I already have too much to do, too much to handle. I can’t afford it now! I am just trying to make it through the day! I can barely get by as it is! I can’t even think of adding one more thing on top of my impossible schedule!

Well imagine this:
You get an adjustment and release these patterns of Overwhelm – in other words, interrupting the vicious cycles of thoughts and feelings you have found yourself in which has now put you in a state of effect to your environment, your duties, chores or what have you.
Imagine those patterns leaving. Now take a look. Would your effectivness in handling your day(s) increase? How much would you get done? How efficient would you be while getting them done? And what about time? Would you have more or less?

It’s truly amazing what patients have reported to me after receiving their adjustments.

I had a gentleman who came in for a maintenance check up. He told me about a project he was stuck on at work. He couldn’t make any headway and was stuck on the same spot for 6 months with little to no progress!
As he was explaining the challenges he was facing at work, I would adjust him. This continued on until there was no other patterns showing up that needed adjusting.  That same weekend, he reported he completed the project!  He said a burst of ideas started pouring into him like as if the floodgates had opened. He worked on it throughout the way hours of the night and completed it in one single weekend! This was more than he had done throughout the entirety of the previous 6 months!

Now you tell me. How much time did he save by coming in on top of his very busy schedule and getting his adjustments? How much energy did he save? Even financially, now that he finished the project and could present it, how much more financially benefited is he for coming in and getting an adjustment?

Think about it.
80% of nerves deal with the function and performance of the body and mind.

Nerves that are wound up carry very different messages than nerves that are in their ideal tone.
So basically, when the nerves are all wound up, SO ARE YOU!

So when you find yourself overwhelmed and in this mindset of “just trying to keep up”, realize all it takes is a good fine tuning to get you on the road to a synchronized functional whole.

Think about how important that can be! You can lose days, weeks, even months of productivity 7 production by simply being out of tune and wound up. 

Book an appointment and get unwound so you can set yourself up to have the potential of productive & effective days.

If this sounds like you or someone you know,
book an appointment or have them book an appointment.

As always,
Many Blessings

Dr. Ara Bagdassarian