What Are You Grateful For?

One of the most interesting things I have experienced in my many years of practice as a holistic based chiropractor is the unique phenomenons that go far beyond any aches and pains patients come in with.  And the best is when it is being exhibited while the patient is mid-adjustments.
If you have been a patient at Sol-Center Chiropractic, you may have noticed some of your own subtle shifts.  And you may have gotten a sense of the adjustment influencing aspects beyond the physical aliment that might have found you seeking help.
Well every once in a while there is a unique pattern that gets released from the patient and becomes quite infections.
I had a patient whom normally talks about the happenings of his life as he gets adjusted.
In this particular session it started out in his traditional way of sharing his stores. As various patterns started releasing, he starts shifting his conversation and expressing gratitude towards all the people and things he was grateful for.
I looked around the room and noticed the room filling up and being permeated with the state he was beaming. It filled the space like a thick mist.
It was quite infectious indeed!
I started feeling it all in my body and mind as well. And like him, started feeling grateful for all the people and things in my life (including him).
It was a sacred and special moment; ever expansive. All one had to do was come in and tune in. It was that easy to feel.
Experiences like these are the reasons I never get tired of what I do and are the reasons why I feel blessed in doing what I do. I really feel it is the holistic application of the adjustments that allows such experiences to be witnessed.
Now more than ever, it’s so easy to get caught up in problems and stresses. It’s easy to let it all grab a hold of you and wind you up.
I have heard it all too often how patients are too busy, too overwhelmed, too stressed out to even consider coming in.
That’s the irony!
It’s times like those that you need it most. It’s times like those when you need a reset.  It’s times like those where you may very well be quite overdue for your adjustment.
Think of all the miracles awaiting you.
Funny thing about miracles though. You have to be aware enough to see them when  they occur – or at least when you think in retrospect of the past days, weeks or months. Sometimes they are quite obvious, other times they are missed or recognized only when mentioned by others.
There was a patient who initially told me in her first visit consultation that she was taking Codeine 3x a week for her headaches. On her re-exam, I asked her how is she doing with her headaches. Not only had she stopped taking Codeine she had completely forgotten about the headaches to the degree that I literally needed to remind her of the reason she came to the office in the first place.
It’s a busy world we live in. Especially here in New York. And although, you don’t know how bad you need something until you actually go through the process of receiving it, you will never know unless you do it.
With a chiropractic adjustment, you are, more times than not, better after receiving your adjustment. Maybe it is not an iconic breakthrough every time but you will always leave a little bit better.
Whether you recognize the small miracles or not, you will always leave better than when you walked in.
This is one of the reasons staying on your recommendations of care is so vital. Sometimes there are giant leaps in progress and most times they are small sequential steps towards health and wellness.
As always
Many Blessings
Dr Ara