What are your Shoes Doing To Your Body?

People all over the world struggle with back pains, hip pain, knee pain and so on. They go through all lengths to find solutions. Going from one therapist to the next provides some benefits but the symptoms keep coming back. Well sometimes there is a constant irritant that might be the culprit and often times overlooked. It might be right under your feet! Believe it or not, a lot of times the shoes you wear may be a strong contributing factor to aches and pains that build up during a long duration in your body. Your entire body can be compromised by the type of shoe you wear! As a matter of fact, your entire posture and breathing capacity can be altered by the shoes you wear. Therefore knowing how to test your shoe so you know what it’s doing to your body becomes an important tool in determining how fast your body will reach optimum levels of health. Imagine by simply making small adjustments to the inside of your shoe, you would feel a sense of: breathing easier and fuller. Being more upright having a better posture, moving easier and swifter having more endurance Is Orthotics The Solution? Actually not, but why? Orthotics, as far as I have seen, causes the feet to be fixed in a very specific way while walking and prevents the dynamic nature of the foot to move about and use all the muscles and joints to their fullest capability. And if worn for a period longer than the body needs, they can actually be detrimental. That’s because the body is very dynamic and always...
What is Chiropractic

What is Chiropractic

What Is Chiropractic Chiropractic is a trinity comprised of a philosophy, science and art based on the principles of tone. ” Tone: is the standard from which we note the variations of structure, temperature, tonicity, elasticity, renitency (resistance), and tension; it is the standard of health; any deviation therefrom is disease. Tone is the BASIC PRINCIPLE, the one from which all other principles, which compose the science, have sprung.” — pg. 8, The Chiropractor, 1914 ” Tone is the tension and firmness, the renitency (resistance) and elasticity of tissue in a state of health, normal existence; The mental and physical condition known as disease is a disordered state because of an unusual amount of tension above or below that of tone; … normal and abnormal amount of strain or laxity are due to the position of the osseous (skeletal) framework, the neuroskeleton, which not only serves as a protector to the neural system, but, also, as a regulator of tension. The present and future make-up of individualized spirits depend upon the cumulative mental function which, like all functions, is modified by the structural condition of the impulsive, transmitting, neural system” – pg. 10, The Chiropractor, 1914 So what does all that mean?  That there is an infinite wisdom in your body that knows exactly what it is doing and expresses itself perfectly. This wisdom provides the body with a perfect tone that gives way to optimal function. Many times through physical, emotional, mental or chemical stress this tone is interrupted or distorted. The purpose of chiropractic is to free the body from these interference’s/distortions such that the tonicity can...