Ever feel like your head’s not screwed on straight?

We have all woken up feeling like our head is just not screwed on straight! Immediate attempted solutions may include an onslaught of caffeine or some other quick remedy which may provide that feeling of alertness but not really handling the head being screwed on straight. These are the days where things don’t go smooth. Accidents happen, little glitches pop up and lots of problems get in the way of productivity.  You know what I’m talking about? Well, just recently a patient stated “I woke up today and felt my head was not screwed on straight” while I was adjusting her.  It dawned on me how accurate that phrase actually was! Sometimes I do wonder how phrases like these come about but in this case, whether she was aware of it or not, it was quite literal! She had all sorts of Cranial and Cervical bones out of alignment and so unlocking them and returning them to their ideal position and restoring the tonicity of the region allowed her to figuratively get her head screwed on the right way. It sounds funny but the result was feeling more space, more at peace, and able to go about her day in a productive manner. This is where cranial adjusting comes in so handy. In my opinion it is too frequently overlooked. Correcting the cranial bones makes a huge impact on, not only your mood and attitude, physiologically it allows better coordination and function overall. A lot of people get surprised when I tell them that the cranial bones move. The most notable movements that occurs actually is the junction between...

Are you looking for quality or an inexpensive practitioner?

What do you look for when shopping for a chiropractor? Is it quality or just getting cracked? I get so many phone calls asking if I take their insurance or if I can provide just one adjustment without going through a proper exam. Shortly after that, the conversation ends and the individual continues looking on. But what are they actually looking for? Obviously one cannot determine the quality of care based on this.  I definitely will admit that I am not the most inexpensive practitioner out there but there is a reason for that.  One thing my patients can admit to is that the quality of care far surpasses the cost of care. After providing a few decades of chiropractic care at Sol-Center Chiropractic, I have noticed more and more patients coming in that have been to quite a number of chiropractors prior to giving my form of chiropractic a try.  They wanted to go shopping to see if they can get their concerns resolved at minimal cost or at a more convenient location. Somehow, after much trials and tribulations, they found their way to my door. Many of them remarked how much different the experience was under my care in relation to other chiropractors from examination to adjustments and beyond. Now, let me set the record straight! I am not bad mouthing any other practitioner. I am simply sharing what has been told to me by the patients who have been to other practitioners (of various sorts of modalities). I do not know what the other doctors were doing in their office but what I do know is...

Where once an area of stress, now transformed to a place of peace

In my last blog, I mentioned a patient who mid-care got into a skiing accident. I got a beautiful update today after she went upstate to do cross-country skiing.  She reported she was in a place of peace within herself and ok with whatever happened while skiing. This was a new paradigm of being for her. In the past she would have concerns and considerations but this time, it was as if she was ok with whatever happened.  That being said, she had a wonderful time up there enjoying herself without  encountering anything unpleasant. This is the beauty and magic of holistic chiropractic care. In previous blogs, I have referred to it as Esoteric Chiropractic – to have it stand out from other more traditional forms out there. It gets far deeper than just the physical bio-mechanical component of the issue.  It dives into the emotional and mental patterns that were in play when the initial injury occurred. So how’s that done? Well there are a number of ways and approaches I use but the one I like most is simply talking about it.  As the patient tells me what happened, the patterns of the incident emerges from the body. Once they come to surface, it’s simple, just adjust the body patterns to unlock the fixed condition it created. The adjustment creates a interruption in the pattern. Let’s break it down. Imagine an idea playing in the back of your mind and then you experience something. You interpret it as a validation to that idea and now that becomes true. The experience proved it, so it must be true! Now...

What are you waiting for?

There are two common approaches to health. One is restoring it from an undesired state and the other is maintaining it or preventing it from getting worse. Ironically when you are in pain, especially if the onset was gradual, you can frequently realize there were a lot of things you knew you should have done but instead neglected. Simple gradual measures could have been taken to maintain or preserve the body from declining towards pain, suffering or a crisis situation. So there is the sedentary approach towards health and there is the proactive approach towards health. Being proactive may include stretching, exercising, nutrition, chiropractic, acupuncture, massage and so on.  These things take a little part of your time each week but build a strong healthy foundation for you and your body to work through its environment. I know what you’re thinking, who has time for all that? I have kids, I have to be at work too early and/or leave too late. I’m too tired by the end of the day. I can’t fit one more thing into my life, I am already overwhelmed … You can list all the justifications on why you can’t and when you run out of reasons, now you can actually start taking a look on how you CAN incorporate these things into your life. When you are in a lot of pain, nothing else matters! You can’t go to work, you can’t sleep soundly, you can’t take care of the kids and actually, given the pain being bad enough, you can’t do much of anything. You become a liability to yourself and others as...

Improving Functional Performance through Chiropractic Care

When talking about functional performance, it can have multiple outlooks. 1. Physical performance 2. Mental/ emotional performance 3. Internal body performance As the common perception of chiropractic revolves around getting out of pain, the first two aspects of functional performance can be overlooked by the grand majority of people.  That’s the area I want to focus on in this  blog. Sometimes it’s not so much about pushing harder to break through boundaries and limitations, sometimes it might be a factors that you may not even think that can come into play that will determine the overall victories of your pursuit. It is so challenging because we are talking about factors that you may have not even known that you didn’t know. So consideration was never in the realm of possibilities. Driven individuals do not want to limit their mindset of what can be achieved. As much as this is a fantastic trait to break through barriers and enter into uncharted territories, at times it could lead to problems. Problems like overexerting, overextending or taking on more than you can chew will lead to a downward spiral in health and wellness which can easily wind up in mistakes being made .. whether it is in the job, at the gym, with the family, with friends or so on. Working with very diverse people – from executives to entrepreneurs, from competitive athletes to the guy trying to get back in shape, from mothers to business owners – I see how transformative the chiropractic adjustment can be in their pursuit. I had a business owner who came in for a regular chiropractic check...

No Pain Means I’m Fine … Or Does It?

 How many times have you heard about that “healthy man” who went for a check up because he was having some unusual pain? Doctors’ examination lead to the clean bill of health (everything fine), only for him to peel over dead within a short time thereafter. So why am I using this example? Well, let me ask you this … is pain a good indicator to determine if you are healthy or not? Lets explore this a little bit. Let’s look at the anatomy of the nerve. Nerves are composed of two branches that have very specific purposes. Now depending on how your body is distorted, twisted, deviated or contorted will determine how the nerves are affected. Also depending on the intensity of the distortions, the problem could be dealing with one, two or all three branches of the nerve. The Two branches include: Motor Branch Sensory Branch A combination of these branches are used by the Autonomic Nervous System which I will briefly describe below. The Motor Branch (Nerves) carry signals from the brain (and spinal cord) into the muscles, glands and skin of your body The Sensory Branch (Nerves) carries signals from the body’s internal and external environment into the Central Nervous System (CNS) to interpret and process for necessary responses to keep the body as healthy and vibrant as possible based on the conditions it’s presented. The Autonomic Nervous System  Control and Regulate all the internal organs without you having to think about it.  It consists of both sensory and motor nerves sending and receiving information to and from the body and the environment.  It further compartmentalizes...