Overwhelmed with all life is throwing at you?

More and more patients are reporting how overwhelmed they are with all the things they have to juggle in life. Seems like more and more piles on, less and less can get handled and there is no end in sight. In some cases, by the end of the day it is a dragging of the body to the bed and collapsing for a few hours only to start all over the next day. Would you believe me if I said getting an adjustment may help change things around? I am not saying there will be less things piling on but what if getting adjusted would help you be in a state where you can face the tasks at hand a little bit better, maybe even a little bit saner? I know what you are thinking. Well, I don’t have the time! I already have too much to do, too much to handle. I can’t afford it now! I am just trying to make it through the day! I can barely get by as it is! I can’t even think of adding one more thing on top of my impossible schedule! Well imagine this: You get an adjustment and release these patterns of Overwhelm – in other words, interrupting the vicious cycles of thoughts and feelings you have found yourself in which has now put you in a state of effect to your environment, your duties, chores or what have you. Imagine those patterns leaving. Now take a look. Would your effectivness in handling your day(s) increase? How much would you get done? How efficient would you be while getting...

Do You Know About KST?

If you were wondering what I do in my office, it is called KST. My dear friend and mentor, Dr Tedd Koren, came up with this method of analyzing and correcting the body out of desperation to get himself out of a dire health situation. He traveled around the nation from practitioner to practitioner seeking relief from the top of various fields and although some did help, no relief sustained. After many years of effort, time and money, he decided to figure it out himself. He started adjusting himself and for the first time in over a decade, he felt lasting relief, He tried it on his wife who was suffering from chronic headaches and within one or two adjustments the headaches were gone. As interest grew and more patients reported remarkable changes in their state, other doctors requested Dr. Koren to teach this system of analysis and correction. This was the birth of Koren Specific Technique (KST). The unique difference with this system is that there is a constant communication between the practitioner and the body as to what needs to be adjusted, in what way and in what order.  That being said, the unique slogan often used in KST is, “You are only as good as the questions you ask”.  With KST there is a funneling of hundreds of questions that leads the practitioner to the exact point needed to be adjusted in that moment. It deals with unlocking patterns created by the body in a way that is most conducive to it’s healing process. Throughout the years many practitioners started learning the technique and getting fascinating...

Improving Functional Performance through Chiropractic Care

When talking about functional performance, it can have multiple outlooks. 1. Physical performance 2. Mental/ emotional performance 3. Internal body performance As the common perception of chiropractic revolves around getting out of pain, the first two aspects of functional performance can be overlooked by the grand majority of people.  That’s the area I want to focus on in this  blog. Sometimes it’s not so much about pushing harder to break through boundaries and limitations, sometimes it might be a factors that you may not even think that can come into play that will determine the overall victories of your pursuit. It is so challenging because we are talking about factors that you may have not even known that you didn’t know. So consideration was never in the realm of possibilities. Driven individuals do not want to limit their mindset of what can be achieved. As much as this is a fantastic trait to break through barriers and enter into uncharted territories, at times it could lead to problems. Problems like overexerting, overextending or taking on more than you can chew will lead to a downward spiral in health and wellness which can easily wind up in mistakes being made .. whether it is in the job, at the gym, with the family, with friends or so on. Working with very diverse people – from executives to entrepreneurs, from competitive athletes to the guy trying to get back in shape, from mothers to business owners – I see how transformative the chiropractic adjustment can be in their pursuit. I had a business owner who came in for a regular chiropractic check...

Supporting the Endocrine System through Holistic Chiropractic Care.

Have you ever wondered what makes an amazing chiropractor different from a good chiropractor? It’s asking the right questions to get the right information from the body to make an accurate correction or adjustment so it can function better as well as become more synchronized within its interplay.  Blended with intuition, the better the chiropractor can read the body, the better he can assist it to heal. Certain components become key elements on the results such as: knowing what to adjust, when to adjust, how to adjust (not all body’s welcome the adjustment the same way, some methods work better on some while others work better on others) when not to adjust where to adjust and what order to adjust in. And when there is a system that allows the chiropractor to have those components all implemented, then you get results that are miraculous. It’s really all about communication. Is it a complete cycle of giving and receiving information or is it similar to being talked at or enforced? The subtleties of this makes all the difference. So how is this done? Well we are talking about a method where the chiropractor can communicate with the body in such a way that the body provides different signals based on the information introduced. This process is called a Binary Bio-feedback Loop. Binary meaning working in pairs of opposites (like yes/no, on/off, plus/minus, or in computers – zeros/ones). Bio-feedback is the process of the body giving back information after information was initially presented to it and the loop is what occurs when the cycle of communication of sending information to the...

No Pain Means I’m Fine … Or Does It?

 How many times have you heard about that “healthy man” who went for a check up because he was having some unusual pain? Doctors’ examination lead to the clean bill of health (everything fine), only for him to peel over dead within a short time thereafter. So why am I using this example? Well, let me ask you this … is pain a good indicator to determine if you are healthy or not? Lets explore this a little bit. Let’s look at the anatomy of the nerve. Nerves are composed of two branches that have very specific purposes. Now depending on how your body is distorted, twisted, deviated or contorted will determine how the nerves are affected. Also depending on the intensity of the distortions, the problem could be dealing with one, two or all three branches of the nerve. The Two branches include: Motor Branch Sensory Branch A combination of these branches are used by the Autonomic Nervous System which I will briefly describe below. The Motor Branch (Nerves) carry signals from the brain (and spinal cord) into the muscles, glands and skin of your body The Sensory Branch (Nerves) carries signals from the body’s internal and external environment into the Central Nervous System (CNS) to interpret and process for necessary responses to keep the body as healthy and vibrant as possible based on the conditions it’s presented. The Autonomic Nervous System  Control and Regulate all the internal organs without you having to think about it.  It consists of both sensory and motor nerves sending and receiving information to and from the body and the environment.  It further compartmentalizes...